Houston landscaping Company

About Us

Our Mission

The primary goal of our staff is to provide our customers with a highly professional Houston landscape service that will conscientiously strive to achieve a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment for our customers and our community.

Our Company

  • Providing – Design, Construction, Irrigation, Drainage and management services
  • 21,000 sq. ft. Office, Warehouse and Greenhouse Facility
  • Operating 4 Maintenance, 1 Irrigation, and 3 Landscape crews
  • Member – Texas Nursery and Landscape Association


  • 30 Year-round crew members
  • Professionally trained with special attention to safety and customer relations
  • 2 registered Certified Landscape Professional Contractors accredited by the Texas Association of Landscape Contractors
  • Continued professional and educational training provided
  • Extensive experience in all aspects of the Landscape Profession


  • Accomplished with both simple seasonal color change outs and extensive complex installations

  • Licensed Irrigator, Chemical Applicator and Drain Layer Personnel

  • The Landscape Maintenance Division offers professional capabilities from
    managing the details of a small residential propertys to that of overseeing larger commercial properties of 25 acres or more

Meet The Team

Our Staff

James W. Curtice


  • Board Trustee for the TNLA Foundation (Awards funds to horticulture/landscape students to continue education)
  • Vice President of the Nantucket Townhouse Home Owner’s Association
  • Certified Landscape Professional – Certification #85, Charter Member
  • Board of Directors – Texas Nursery & Landscape Association Region II
  • Appointed to serve on the Texas Nursery and Floral Advisory Council Commissioner Todd Staples (Texas Department of Agriculture) – April 2010
  • Board Trustee for the Education and Research foundation of TNLA
  • 1996 President – Houston Chapter of Texas Association of Landscape Contractors
  • 1995 Texas Association of Landscape Contractors Member of the Year
  • Extensive Experience and expertise in the landscape profession
  • Vice President of Cardiff Estates Home Owner’s Association
  • Member & Deacon at Second Baptist Church

Sherry Andresen 1997

Registered Landscape Architect

  • Certified Landscape Architect #1109
  • Graduate of Iowa State University
  • 26 Year Houston Resident

Stephen P. Kearney 2012

Property Supervisor / Landscape Designer

  • Certified Landscape Professional- TNLA
  • 1991 Graduate of Texas A&M – Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
  • 20+ Years in Houston Area
  • Landscape Design / Contracting and Maintenance
  • Houston Resident since 1980

Frankie Krell 1997

Office Manager

  • Graduate of University of Houston – Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education
  • Experience includes 30 years of accounting and bookkeeping
  • Specializes in customer relations

Award Winning Landscapes

Our Awards

Associated Landscape Contractors of America

National Environmental Improvement Award
Commercial Installation – 3DI International Bldg

Associated Landscape Contractors of America

National Environmental Improvement Award
Residential Maintenance – Bergeron Residence

Associated Landscape Contractors of America

National Environmental Improvement Award
Residential Maintenance – Turner Residence

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

FIRST PLACE – Texas Excellence in Landscaping Residential Installation over $30,000
Turner Residence

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

Distinction Award – Texas Excellence in Landscaping – Residential Maintenance $12,000
Bergeron Residence

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

FIRST PLACE – Texas Excellence in Landscaping – Residential Maintenance
Laminack Residence

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

Silver Award – Texas Excellence in Landscaping
Residential Maintenance – Van Dyke Residence

Associated Landscape Contractors of America

National Environmental Improvement Award
Residential Maintenance – Laminack Residence

Texas Association of Landscape Contractors

“Neil Sperry Award” – Grand Prize Winner for “Best Residential Installation”
Tompkins Residence

Texas Association of Landscape Contractors

Texas Excellence in Landscaping
Erosion Control – Tompkins Residence

Texas Association of Landscape Contractors

Texas Excellence in Landscaping
Interiorscape – The Towers at Clear Lake

Texas Association of Landscape Contractors

Environmental Improvement Award
Residential Installatiom – Thorne Residence

Texas Association of Landscape Contractors

Environmental Improvement Award – Merit Award
Erosion Control – Laminack Residence